Box Design Studio Sdn Bhd VO5-07-06, Signature 1
Lingkaran SV, Sunway Velocity,
55100 WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+6019286xxxx +6010225xxxx
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Interior Design Project Info

7 Autospa, a hub for automotive detailing, unites extensive experience and accolades, making it a sought-after destination. Crafting a distinctive interior by integrating brand identity, including the logo and corporate colour, is pivotal for consistency and reinforcing core values.

The number 7 from the logo, embodying slant, angularity, and aerodynamic characteristics synonymous with streamlined forms, is seamlessly integrated with the brand identity colour which is red, and employs metallic and highly reflective materials as the central concept of the space. The design concept revolves around the distinctive contours of the number 7. This creative vision comes to life through the harmonious fusion of various materials, including hairline stainless steel, mirrors, vibrant red acrylics, and dynamic lighting.

Starting with the reception area, the focus leads to the angular feature wall, meticulously designed and artfully forms the distinctive number 7 using hairline stainless steel, and radiant red lighting. The reception desk, made of translucent red acrylic and backlit to create a floating effect, harmoniously matches the angular floor pattern crafted from red-colored glass, seamlessly reflecting the dynamic theme of the space.

A double-volume ceiling design is incorporated into the waiting lounge and mirror finishes are integrated into the ceiling of the refreshments station and reception to create an illusion of expansiveness and visually enlarge the compact area. Transitioning to the product display area, attention is drawn to the striking illuminated structure that leads to the display wall, where products and awards are showcased, which is thoughtfully designed with a dynamic concept. It incorporates a series of angles with a consistent inclination, executed using stainless steel to effectively portray a sense of movement and flow.

7 Autospa’s design concept embodies automotive excellence, seamlessly integrating brand identity and dynamic concepts. It promises a unique and immersive experience for all who step inside.

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