Project Overview
Architectural Project Info
Though seemingly separate, a symbolic bridge transverses the courtyard and connects the old and new elements. Upon witnessing the possibilities and value of the heritage and conservation expect, the client was encouraged to retain and restore for the entire existing dwelling and front section, with the potential that it could enable an even richer response when aligned with a newer intervention.
On the new wing side, the client requested a sheltered outdoor place. With this in mind, a unique respond began to take shape, with the decision made to separate the new works from the restored original dwelling. The courtyard strategy serves to break up the housing arrangement into two core zones, with the previous layouts inverted into new design, with the existing structure now houses the living hall, family and bedrooms; while the new extension on the other side holds the kitchen space facing rear garden on the ground floor and master bedroom on the upper floor with a private roof garden on top.
From the entry, the journey through the home is set up as a series of four framed sections within the old and new wings. Material, color and detail variation are utilized in combination with the courtyard strategy to exaggerate the new settings and temporal division of the original dwelling. A true reinvention project of a classic home, the new design thoroughly embraces the local heritage guideline that, “New works should be identifiable as a separate entity distinguishable from the existing building”.