3 years in business
7 projects

Contact Gauge Design Studio Sdn Bhd

Summerton Persiaran Bayan Indah
11900 Bayan Lepas
Penang, Malaysia
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About Gauge Design Studio Sdn Bhd

構 设计 创立于2020年,位于马来西亚槟城,是一家提供全方位服务的室内设计工作室。以住宅、商业、办公空间等设计规划与工程管理为主。通过倾听与沟通,了解客户需求,提供专业知识与想法,并且给予客户专业的解决方案。

構 设计团队一直秉持着大胆突破传统制式的框架,不被限制于普遍的设计风格,经常探索新事物并给予每个设计项目独有的细节与风格。结合扎实的实务与创意,翻玩不同建材特性、加诸繁琐的多到功法,在创意与实用舒适性间取得平衡,将各种天马行空的设计想法,实践在每个设计项目中,赋予空间新的生命与独特的风格。


「構 · 出你心灵的乌托邦」 是構 设计的初衷,也是構 设计所愿。

Gauge Design Studio, established in 2020 and located in Penang, Malaysia, is a full-service interior design firm. We specialize in design planning and project management for residential, commercial, and corporate spaces. Attentive listening and communication are our key to understand our clients’ aspirations, providing them not only our expertise and innovative ideas but also well-considered solutions. The dedicated team at Gauge Design Studio consistently adheres to a mindset that dares to break through the conventional norms, unbound by universal design styles. We frequently explore new concepts, infusing each design project with distinctive details and styles. By uniting our solid craftsmanship with creative ingenuity, we artfully manipulate the inherent attributes of diverse building materials and employ meticulous processes to strike a delicate balance between artistic expression and practical comfort. Our design endeavours are characterized by unconstrained ideas that bring new life into each space we transform and infuse a bespoke, singular style that is unique to every project.

Bound by the same beliefs and the demand for precision, we create different design trajectories, bestowing a tapestry of diversity and comfort upon the lives of our clients. Design comes from life. Our design integrates residents’ anticipated and coveted lifestyles, making spaces into extensions of life's philosophy, combined with modern aesthetics, creating an ambiance that resonates with taste and quality. Utilizing meticulous design approach, we undergo the fundamental reconfiguration of spatial layouts and movement pathways, custom-tailored to accommodate the lifestyles of different clients. By incorporating natural elements and expanding the spatial scale, we facilitate a profound dialogue between individuals and their surroundings, gracefully revealing the charm of each space. This culminates in the seamless realization of the concept of home as we craft sanctuaries that offer solace to the soul.

「Gauge a utopia for your soul」is the original intention and heartfelt desire of Gauge design.

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