
Interior Design Project Info

The design was inspired by white tones and black linear frames that perfectly blends minimalism and sophistication. The concept of structural elements creating the continuity space. The overlapping personality choice brings together the precise combination of forms and colours that gives a rare moment of uncluttered calm.
The implementation of natural-like materials and contemporary design, together with the discrete touches of minimal black lines refines the atmosphere, that is not only distinguished, but everlasting home.

設計靈感來自於業主對 白灰色與原木的喜好
交疊出純粹爽朗的性格 整體呈現利落大方
大量的白和細節處的黑 去詮釋整體空間的連貫性
讓家 更加緊密的結合
設計大面積的使用亮色白 讓空間更明亮和簡潔
簡約切割的線條 讓室內呈現靜謐美
搭配高對比度同時 也能呈現居者與的空間的互動與心靈的承載

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