Interior Design Project Info
The design is derived from the homeowner's pursuit of trendy items and a tranquil lifestyle, combining the aesthetics of these two contrasting elements. It utilises the simplicity of Japanese wabi-sabi and embellishes it with fashion collections.
The interior materials extensively use a microcement-like texture, presenting an irregular and imperfect pattern. This redefines the interior style with tranquillity, allowing the minimalist interior space to maintain a serene ambiance.
The minimalist design also allows the homeowners to freely create a customised atmosphere. By periodically changing the display with collected trendy items, they can interpret a personalised space and showcase artistic beauty.
設計 源自業主對 潮物和诧寂生活的追求
利用日式的詫寂簡潔 再用潮物做點綴之筆
室內材質使用大量類微水泥材質 不規則肌理紋路不完美的呈現
詫寂重新定義室內風格 讓簡約的室內空間 保持寧靜
設計的簡約也讓業主比較自由去營造 客制化的氛圍
用收集到的潮物單品 依週期性去更換不同的擺設
去詮釋個性空間 展現藝術美