Why you should care

Marie Kondo, best-selling author and all round organising goddess has sparked in all of us the need to clean and tidy our spaces. Through the KonMari Method, you’ll find yourself radically decluttering your home and subsequently your life.

Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing and her Netflix show “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo” are taking the world by storm. Her cult following have sworn that the KonMari method will give you a new lease on life.

Konmari Method

SOURCE: people.com

If you don’t have the time to pick up her book or binge watch her Netflix series, here are some key pointers that give you a peek into the life altering ways of the KonMari Method.

  • Although her book and Netflix series use the term tidying, Kondo’s method isn’t entirely about organising your belongings. It is about choosing what to keep and what to remove, which in turn will make tidying up easier.
  • This method has two vital parts: discarding and organising, and they have to be done in that exact manner.
  • The KonMari method not only helps you physically declutter your home but according to Kondo, the technique enables followers to acquire the mindset that is needed to continue staying tidy.
  • Marie Kondo’s method of decluttering stresses the need to tidy all at once and not in small steps. She notes that tidying is a “special event” that you should do in a dedicated time period so you never get influenced to go back to your cluttered ways.
  • Unlike many other cleaning methods, this one focuses on tidying by category and not by location. For instance, if you’re sorting through your clothes, do so for clothing around the entire home before moving on to appliances or other homeware. Instead of moving from room to room, sorting out your home by category helps prevent confusion when the items are stored in multiple locations around the house.
  • Kondo also has a specific order when it comes to discarding. She says one must begin with clothes, followed by books, papers, miscellany, and lastly mementos. This is because memorabilia are hard to discard or sort through, and so tackling them first might get you stuck, causing you to give up. Organising in this order allows you to get used to the decision making process of keeping and discarding before you move on to keepsake items.
  • With this order, you are then to hold each item and ask yourself if it ‘sparks joy’. If yes, keep it, if no, then discard it.
  • Visually imagining your space and life without clutter is one of the vital steps to leading a clutter-free life. Kondo’s clients are asked to imagine the life they want to live and break down each wish by evaluating why they want that particular wish. For example, one client talks about wanting to take up yoga and it’s because they want to relax more

Cover image from Netflix.com

Why you should care

Marie Kondo, best-selling author and all round organising goddess has sparked in all of us the need to clean and tidy our spaces. Through the KonMari Method, you’ll find yourself radically decluttering your home and subsequently your life.

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